Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do you add vinegar to wash or rinse cycle? How does it work?

Prevent lint from clinging to clothes by adding 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the wash cycle.

To remove soap residue that makes black clothes look dull use white distilled vinegar in your final rinse. you add vinegar to wash or rinse cycle? How does it work?
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Do you add vinegar to wash or rinse cycle? How does it work?
Try using peroxide also instead of vinegar it works wonders at killing germs as well as Oder's.
my husband works at a place where they handle car batteries, the vinegar hleps keep the acid from eating holes in his clothes and too, i use it when i wash towels, it makes them softer.
Vinegar is a great low cost, old school household cleaner. Yes you can include it in your laundry. It will probably kill some lingering bacteria and eliminate pesky odors. Add to the wash cylce.
my grandmother always added some vinegar to the wash cycle when she did not want something to shrink, it always worked, when i would ask her why her answer would be '; how do i know all i care about is that it works and my mother did it all the time';
Add it to your wash. It cleans and brightens and helps get rid of odors.
vinegar helps to dissolve mineral build-up (softens water so the detergent is more effective) also helps to eliminate odors

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